Friday, 7 December 2007

WebLogic Server Shutdown Process

Abnormal JVM termination can cause resources such as sockets or segments to lock. Killing or terminating WebLogic Server process from the operating system is considered and abnormal termination.

WebLogic Server can be gracefully shutdown by:
  • Using administration Console 'Graceful Shutdown" hyperlink
  • Using weblogic.Admin SHUTDOWN… command
  • Using JMX by invoking stop method on ServerMBean class

  1. To shut down the production server gracefully, use the WebLogic admin console or the weblogic.Admin utility.
  2. Graceful shutdown does not abnormally terminate user sessions; it waits for HTTP sessions to complete or time out.
  3. WebLogic server can also be configured not to wait (ignore Session During Shutdown option).
  4. The graceful-shutdown timeout is configurable; by default the server waits indefinitely for shutdown to complete.
  5. If the server is not responding for graceful shutdown request or to bring down the server while the server is waiting for inflight session (in standby state), use 'Force Shutdown' option.
  6. If configured as a daemon, make sure the rc scripts have the stop method configured to gracefully shutdown the server in case of machine reboots and halts.
  7. If Node Manager is configured, termination the Node Manager will not stop the respective servers started by them. Managed server have to be stopped separately.

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