Friday 7 December 2007

Enterprise Application (EJB)

WebLogic optimizes EJB access, if the client is within the same enterprise application classes and libraries can be shared across all archive applications within the enterprise application. So consider creating enterprise archives rather than deploying related applications independently. Also Enterprise-wide settings can be used, rather than multiple local settings in deployment descriptors. Create JDBC resources in the WebLogic Server domain, using the WebLogic console, rather than employing the weblogic-application.xml technique.

1. Avoid deploying EJB archives and related Web applications as separate independent applications in WebLogic Server.

2. Improved runtime performance can be achieved when Web components access EJB components within the same enterprise application.

3. The enterprise can be deployed as one deployment unit.

4. Do not place application-specific classes or JAR files in the system classpath (to avoid having to restart the server for reloading them).

5. When using WebLogic Server 8.1, use the new APP-INF/lib and APP-INF/classes directories in the enterprise-application directory structure, to simplify the packaging of utility classes and utility archives.

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